It's remarkable what one can discover when venturing away from the safety of their habitat - in my case, my desk. For one:
Hmm. It's growing on me..
I'll decide when it's a little lower, and spaced out a bit more. I also discovered that the Sainosu still hasn't weened off of the Bottle Formula:
Aww, two and a half bottles. Portly little Chubblebutt. And the most pleasant discovery of all awaited on test fitting parts of the monstrosity of a GReddy Intercooler kit.
Something should be quite apparent. No? How about this view.
^_^. It would seem that - on the throttlebody side at least - the intercooler piping is ALMOST a direct fit. Obviously the intercooler is not going to be affixed with a zip-tie and thus allowing for some, lenience, in the fitment of the ensemble - no such place for such questionable antics on this car anymore. That, and I don't think the zip-ties would support the preposterous weight of it, but mostly the unghettofying notion. Honest.
Unfortunately the turbocharger side is far too short, but, it's the most disgusting transitional pipe anyway [it's the misshapen lump seen on the far left of the pictures], so it cannot hurt to have it chopped up further. So. That's my "Ray Mears" of the day.
Stfu, the wildlife growing in and around the Cynos would qualify my discoveries as "adventurous" :c. Bah to you, I leave you with a parting shot.
Good Riddance ^_^
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