
It sucks.

Granted, a little bit of suspense can add to a sensation as it builds anticipation. A microsecond after which, the effect is killed and it just becomes agonising, comatose inducing, waiting. I've been waiting for this godforsaken fracking Driveshaft since May. No solace.

The person who apparently vowed to help me obtain said driveshaft by having one made, as a partial payback for a sum of money he owed to me, has "built anticipation" for the last two months, and then some. And he's just left to Miami (apparently) for a month. And he's also in possession of my CV Joint. And he hasn't paid me back yet. And z0mgWTF etc. I hate his face. So. Naturally, faced with such a dilemma. I spend. On items I don't need. I'll just say, that I should be in receipt of another turbocharger kit shortly, as I obviously need 4 turbochargers.

And I may have reserved another. And I am actively looking for two more turbochargers >_<

Yay for spendens! If you wish to criticise this move, do not afford to waste your valuable typing power. I am pretty sure that the contents of this and the other blog are thus far ample proof of my complete dearth of sense/restraint/care for money ^_^.