18 Feb 2011

Fail Sandwich

Want an update? Cannot help you there.

Ok, maybe a little bit - the turd that owes me money/driveshaft etc has finally returned the CV Joint, albeit, still owes me money. Unfortunately, the CV Joint and fitting driveshaft do not conform. Huzzah.

So, once the garage gets the old CV Joint back on, I'll begrugdingly install the old driveshaft, fill the gearbox with oil, maybe put in some fresh petrol and start the car and gigglerofflecopter a bit, then, nothing. As I have no money to do anything more.

When I do finally get a cash injection/sell my last remaining testicle [fate of the other one described a few posts ago], I will get the car down to Abbey Motorsport to burden onto them, and, get a suitable driveshaft made for the TRD CV Joint.

That is all.

I know. Exciting.