...my throne has arrived! Ok, enough with this throne talk...well, I finally got my second Bride! No, I'm not a polygamist! See below

As is blatently obvious, it needs work, desparate work. It was cheap (not cheap enough, but still, cheap) though so its not too big an issue - both seats will get the center section reupholstered, and the Zeta II will need new cushions and a new cover. Good news is, it is stupidly light, like, it weighs nothing, which is great (The rail is actually heavier!), and I JUST about fit in it....JUST....

Hopefully next week will bring further updates, including the Zeta II in the car (for a bit, just to acclimitise myself to it!). Oh and finally, a little fan:

Sammy: "WTF?! You can keep this, I has chewed up baskets"