...Err, Corrected.
So, it turns out, the leak is not from the dreaded oil drain hose, but rather from the actual fitting itself, so probably tightening it a bit should fix the issue. That being said, I still hate the Oil Return Hoses' mother.
And that is all. I could perhaps do a bit more and embellish this post but chances I'll be too engrossed in my empty schedule. Don't know, it depends how lazy I'm
Well the day started like any day, which is to say I woke to a frosty pre-sunrise sky, raring to throw myself into a day bursting with nothing. And so it went. Until at some point in the morning, the electricity went. Oh great, now I can do LESS than nothing. So, umm, that would surely mean I would eventually return into my embryonic state. Deciding that sounded rather uncomfortable, I pondered (not very hard) on what productive (ha-ha screw you) things I could do. I settled for then, to enter a staring competition with Sammy, though after he ate my face I decided otherwise.
Oh wait, I have a pile of rust and poop loosely resembling a vehicle that needs a considerable dose of attention in the garage! I'm sure I heard the Sainosu release an obscene remark at such a thought, or perhaps boredom really does breed insanity. Which would go perfect with my half eaten face. The Cynos is just jealous of the Cefiro, which has its "balls" or two wheel drive, intact whereas it succumbs to having going round in circles due to its unbalanced semi-castrato state. Well, if it could drive in the first place. Anyway, that untidily brings me to the title. Yes, I know, its awesome.
I recently took purchase of a new sump and pick-up assembly as intimated in a previous post, however, rather than disturbing my busy schedule of emptiness I had not yet fitted it. That, and I wanted to entertain a swap with a baffled and kicked-out sump. However, as is always the case - frack you please Lords of the Jynx - it would seem I spoke optimistically and the seller in question was/is/stfu being indecisive. I.e. me, and I preferred waiting in lieu of the hopeful swap. To no avail. So, bored to insanity, missing half my face, and suffering from a case of slight hypothermia, I threw caution to the wind, and had breakfast. Satiated with calorific energy content, I then surged forth and went to the toilet. Ok, I lie, I still haven't been, even after two cups of espresso. You're welcome for the colonic update. I commenced firstly however by draining the oil, into a drain pan I had to clean as some quick inspection revealed that I had no spare oil to use. To note, the drain pan was full of all kinds of vile, looking literally like a pan full of semen (Cynosemen?) as it contained the emulsified oil/coolant mixture from when I ran the engine in the summer. Following this, I quickly swapped the CT9 Oil Feed/Return fitting, putting in its place the Race-Tech item;
..and being once again in the presence of the most enraging, most infuriating, POS component ever in the world. The stock Oil Return Hose. I cannot begin to explain how much I don't heart it.
So I shall - it's a piece of rubber, held with two clips, so, logic says, stop whining you little bitch, its rubber, it will be pliable. HAH. Not so. I'm not a bitch :(. I've never ever been at the mercy of such a stubborn yet inane component. Am I making an enormous fuss out of, basically nothing? Have you not noticed that the first few paragraphs are just an elaborate recapturing of, nothing? In retrospect to you, I DID spend *cough*morethan£200*cough* on a plethora of components to escape this wretched fiend. Onwards. Worst of all is when you attempt to remove this fitting in the cold - those clips, are so stiff, and the rubber, no matter how many times you try to force your will upon it, shouting "BEND YOU WHOREFAG", nothing. Just painful fingers. And I haven't even installed it yet. Not so onwards I guess. *Hate*
After beating up a flower to vent anger, I commenced on the removal of the sump itself - I had dreaded this as I had presumed it would be riddled with cursing and tears and such as even my tiny, girly hands would not be able to rear all the bolts. This was not the case, and other than having to use a deep socket to remove one of the bolts, and my through-socket wrench for another, removing the bolts was easy enough. Removing the sump. Ah. I had thought I had put not enough instant-gasket, or used the correct adhesive medium when assembling the engine. I need not have worried as the sump put up a bit of resistance in its removal! My feeble attempts of gently hammering and banging the sump didn't work (rather obviously), and so as any real man, I decided on the only natural solution. Fire! URRRRGH. *Cavemans sounds*. Didn't work. Well, initially, then, strangely, after trying to tap in a screwdriver into the heated sealant for a while, it went in (giggidy), and with a slight leverage, the sump just fell off. Score. Off to lunch.
Hoping to accelerate installation of the sump, I attempted to find a wire-brush attachment for sale at the local stores, but to no avail. Oh Crap, manual labour will be necessary to remove the sump sealant. BAH. And bah it was - copious scrubbing with wire brushes and torching with the Bernzomatic (for fun mainly), and more wire brushing, followed by a rinse through and drying. Then, it was ready to re-assemble. Oh, I also found (or at least, I REALLY Hope so) the oil pick-ups to be the same, so I did not bother to swap them round. Re-assembly went fine, as well, just an initial faffing around to screw in the first bolts to keep the sump attached to the block. And Ouila:
In the midst of the sump swap I also finally fitted the missing turbo coolant hose, retrieved from that Philistine, Harvey.
So, yes. I basically changed the sump today. That is all ^_^
Oh and I started it. It bled. From that fracking return. That is all, again.
Oh and rubbish CT9 Oil Fittings that cost me £hundreds and didn't work for sale, enquire within;
kkthx ^.^
What's the deal, I hear you whine? You being the followers of the Blog naturally, in this case blatently being myself, and the bots attempting to sell me viagra. Pictures, no description? Well, yeah, that's your lot, so stfu, kkthxbai.
No srsly.
K, fine. As intimated around 1.3billion times in the posts leading up to this one, an impressive influx of JDMens (JDM Stuffs, not JD Mens. Though I wouldn't say no to either) was due to arrive in my absence from the UK. And it has. And there it is. Moar? Basically, what you see is about half a Eunos in parts, belonging to Harryluls and Rickipaiz. And they owe me money. Lots. So its for sale.
For those interested, the parts include:
- Unknown Braided Brake Lines
- Mazdaspeed Spark Plug Cords
- Cusco Front Strut Tower Brace
- Cusco Rear Control Arm Brace
- AutoExe Underfloor Brace
- Bride Passenger-side Seat Rail
- DCuatro Rear Half Bumper
- Raybrig Headlights
- Skanky Side-sill Covers
- Kakka moto Exhaust System
- Zzzzz
- *Yawn*
- ARC Superpwntzbanzaidomoarigatoohhai Intake Chamber
And so on and yada who cares.
My stuff comprises of. Well, you know. I've mentioned it. 1.3Billion times. It's written like, 3 lines above. To reiterate, what you see are:
- HKS FCon Pro-V 3.2 ECU
- JZX90 Fuel Pump
- Downhill Active Lower Control Arm Braces
- OS Giken Twin Plate Clutch Kit
- Toda Fightex Coilovers
There's also Harvey's Silvertop Throttlebodies. He owes me money too, so its for sale. Infact, Google, you can give me money, for never accepting my Adverts Syndication thing yeah? THANKOO.
So, as always, more parts, none going on the car...I sincerely hope you weren't expecting progress? What do you think I am, proactive? Well, no, and I was in Saudi, and Sammy wouldn't let me and moar excuses and so on. Having only just returned to the UK, I wanted to ease into further spending and at least try to re-establish some order to the requisite steps to get the infernal POS back on the road. Ha-ha-ha yes failed attempt number infinity stfu. And infact, I've not done much to that end rather than a few demented scribblings on some scattered sheets of paper.
One immediate disappointment however has served to quell what little flicker of hope I had in the driveshaft I had received (to the wrong address..) just before I left (useful). Brought it to the garage, forgot to let them know about the leaking brake hoses, and thought finally I'd have sussed the kerfuffle. Phone call today - "Your dream of having a completed passenger-side driveshaft? NEIN!". Not only is the shaft diameter wrong (I gave the seller the dimension), but it's also the wrong spline count (I gave the seller the number), and so, even more wasted time and money (I hate the seller). So, yet ANOTHER Fracking search for a driveshaft after collecting this offending item from the garage, forgetting again to mention about the leaking brake hoses. Oh Toyota, I hate you too. 1 DRIVESHAFT FOR ALL YOUR CARS PL0Z! I want to see the LFA using a Paseo Driveshaft k?
Moving on from the driveshaft debacle, and onto the Sump farse. If you remember, I spent an inordinate amount of money, trying to be clever, failed, and now need to start from scratch. So, I ordered a new CT9 oil fitting:
Took me a while to click on the "Pay Now" button as I had crippled into the fetal position at the observation of the £70.40 cost. For a fitting. For a SHIT-T9. Wow. I also received some pipes I had ordered previously, before leaving, and just after returning from Derkistan. And. Yeah. Big. Waste. Of. Money. Writing. Like. This. Is. Also. Pretty. Annoying. And. May. Cause. Cancer. This was followed by the purchase of a new sump and pick-up, due to arrive. However, a sump appeared on the forums, that had been comprehensively re-engineered, and obviously, I want. And, turns out the guy owed me £60 (he bought some of Shoehay's Connecting Rods), so, negotiations commenced. So basically, I may buy a sump that's had a kick-out welded in (more oil capacity) and is also thoroughly baffled (less seizing in teh cornaz), regarde:
Another swapportunity (HAH! I rawk.) came as a surprise - a guy I had been hounding for about a year for his BigEnd Roder Wheels (you want them now too? ANY Wheel with such a name strikes pure desire in the heart of the reader. DON'T LIE!)...contacted me saying that he was getting rid of them and that it would only be correct to approach me first. Who said being an insistent, annoying prick never prospers?! Well, it hasn't, yet. And gods of Jynx'ing, so help you if you steal this from me. However, he may strike a deal for a swap with my Sparcoluls. Yes, the Sparcoluls are pretty, but, they're everywhere, it's not like they're wanting on the markets. The Roders however, aren't. So. This is pending. And that concludes the segment of the recent events - what is to come. *Giggles*
*Ahem again*
Anyway. For the immediate future I will thus need to receive and install a newly assembled CORRECT driveshaft, a new sump complete with the new fitting, and basically from there I can turn the engine over again, hopefully eradicating the oil leaks and allowing me to concentrate and determine the cause of the coolant leaks. Having the driveshaft in will also finally allow me to fill the gearbox with oil and thus...literally having motive power again! Though, forget that exclamation, I live on a hill. That motive power has no use on a car with no brakes. AH. Damnation. That's an area that will need serious seeing to - apparently, changing that rear hard brake line is the worst job evrar. It doesn't suck the big one. It sucks a cattle prod. Especially when you notice how rusty the fuel tank is, that apparently would need removing. *Sigh*. It's even more annoying as Harvey quickly dashed my extensively unresearched idea of re-flaring the end of the hard line. Bah to joo. So, I think, once the car is mobile, I may just have it towed to my Trusty Garage, much to their delight. Once the brakes have been sorted and the car is mobile, onto....The Wiring.
Also, this is my new cat in Saudi:
He's a guy cat. He's called Mimi. He's eating my foot. He's awesome. That is all.
He's standing in for the now elusive bugs in my room ^_^
P.S. The title sucks.
Modifications List
- Autobahn Oil Catch Tank (Not plumbed in)
- AutoStaff Intake Manifold Insulator Gasket
- Blitz K1-200V Turbocharger (Waiting to rebuild)
- EP91 Glanza-V 4E-FTE Engine
- Extralube ZX1 Engine Oil Friction Reducer
- Ford Focus ST FMIC w/ Hayward & Scott Piping
- Hayward & Scott 2.5" Downpipe-Back single Muffler Exhaust System
- JAM Racing 1Bar Actuator (Waiting to install)
- Magnecor KV85 Spark Plug Wires
- Ported & Polished Stock 4E-FTE Throttlebody
- Redline Water Wetter Radiator Fluid Additive
- SARD Mag II Oil Filter
- SARD Magnetic Sump Plug
- TRD 1.3kg/m Sports Radiator Cap
- TRD Duracon Oil Filler Cap
- Versa Cruise Voltage Stabiliser (removed)
- Zisco SUS321 Tubular CT9 Manifold
- Zep Racing Braided Clutch Hose
- Racing Gear Clutch Cover
- TRD CV Joints
- "TC Tuning" Solid Brass Shifter Cable Bushes
- C56 Gearbox
- Royal Purple Gear Oil (Yet to install)
- SPATS Cynos Front Strut Tower Brace
- Ultra Racing EP82 Fender Braces
- Whiteline Anti-Lift Kit
- Tanabe 4 Point Lower Control Arm Brace
- Silkroad RM/A8 Coilovers
- TRD Lower Control Arm Front Bushes
- TRD Front Anti-Roll Bar
- TRD Front Anti-Roll Bar Mount Bushes
- Cusco Hyper Metal Rear Axle Arm Bushes
- Zep Racing Engine Damper
- Zep Racing Pillowball Panhard Rod
- Zep Racing Rear Trailing Arm Brace
- Zep Racing 4 Point Floor Brace (Yet to install)
- Zep Racing 4 Point Rear Strut Tower Brace
- BYP/Energy Suspension Polyurethane Engine Mounts
- Okuyama Carbing EP91 3 Point front Strut Tower Brace (Need to Modify)
Brakes & Rolling Stock:
- Prodrive by Alcon 4 Piston WRC Brake Calipers (Yet to install)
- SW20 Rev3 Rear brake Calipers (Yet to install)
- Hawk HPS Brake Pads
- Cusco EP82 Brake Master Cylinder Stopper
- Brembo Discs (Grooved by Hi-Spec)
- Starlet GT Rear Axle Conversion
- 16" x 7" Enkei RS 3Pc. Wheels (Need Spacers)
- 205/45 R16 Yokohama S306 Tyres
- Eastbear Elite Bucket Driver seat
- Bride Ergo Passenger Seat
- Comrade's C Short Shifter Kit
- Cruise Gear knob
- Dension DH100ix HDD-Based Headunit
- Nardi Classico 330m Leather Steering Wheel
- SARD 60mm Boost Pressure Gauge
- TRS Clubman 4-point Purple Road Harnesses
- GT-1 Motorsport 30mm Steering Wheel Spacer
- Philips Premium Sidelight Bulbs
- Cracked out Indicators w/ Ring Clear Indicator Bulbs
- Ultra Clear Repeaters & MHW Clear Bulbs
- Factory Optional Aero Lip Package
- R33 Skyline GTR Replica Bumper Vents
- Stebel Nautilus Twin-tone Horn
- Toyota Cynos Optional Window Wind Deflectors
Weight Reduction:
- Airbags & Airbag ECU Removed
- Boot Trim Removed
- Shock Tower Trim Removed
- A/C System Removed
- Rear Seats & Belts Removed
- Interior Carpetting & Mats Removed
- All Interior trim panels removed
- Headlining Removed
- Front Crash Bar Removed (Rear one missing!)
- Powersteering Pump, Lines & Reservoir Removed
- Sound Deadening Removed
- Foglights Removed
- Spare tyre and Jack removed
- Center Console removed
- Parcel Shelf removed
- Rear speakers removed
- Seatbelt assemblies removed
- HID System removed
- Doorcards removed
- TRD Front Anti-Roll Bar (2.4kg lighter than stock)
(Grand Total of about 135kg removed so far...)
* Official vehicle weight: 880kg
* Unofficial vehicle weight (not-verified): 871.6kg
Pending Setup Items Gathered:
- HRF 5E Connecting Rods
- HRF 5E 74mm Bore Pistons
- Cruise 264 Degree Camshafts
- Cruise-style TD05H Manifold & Downpipe
- GReddy TD05H-18G Turbocharger
- Synapse Synchronic 40mm Wastegate
- ACIS Intake Manifold
- 5E-FHE Crankshaft & Block
- OS Giken Twin Plate Clutch Kit
- HRF Intake Manifold with SR20 Throttlebody
Other Project Blogs...
About Me
- Enrico - Beddu
- I am Enrico, Italian/Mauritian, not affiliated with the Mafia/not a Dodo Bird. I have of late taken to the world of blogging - its a simple way of writing down haphazard memoirs, which I attempt to give structure to my life. It largely fails but it helps to circumvent boredom.